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Investing Costs Calculator

Calculating your future!

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The Investing Costs Calculator is one Heroes Invest's products that will help you get better results in a planned way.
You will be able to simulate or verify the investment costs, and subsequently, create a financial plan where you will know how much of your money is destined to fees and taxes and how much realistically will be net to you.
The results surprise most investors, especially when comparing to a monthly wage or hourly rate.
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All Heroes Invest products are designed to complement and integrate with each other. This gives you a better view of the development journey and how to achieve your expected results.
Some examples of Trading Plan integration are:
  • Trading Simulation (Tech): You will be able to simulate and adjust the financial planning from your Trading Systems
  • Psychological Sessions (Care): Work on your behaviors and emotions adjusting it with your finances to maximize your earnings.
  • ... And many other integrations.
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Why ?

The Cost Calculator is the tool in which you can visualize how your finances are and simulate possibilities, as well as know all your costs.
You will have a detailed view of how much you earn, platform prices, taxes and other expenses, so it is possible to make adjustments to your plans and finances.
Acquire this tool so you can keep your financial future planned.
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Heroes Program
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Heroes Invest offers the "Heroes Program", a Professional Investors Program which has an estimated duration of 24 months and which delivers the best and most modern tools and techniques for your personal development as an Investor.
The Program will be tailored specifically for you. On your journey through this Program, you will be able to create a complete Trading Plan from scratch - with support and monitoring from our expert professionals throughout the process - including supporting in choosing the best Technical Courses, Psychological Support, Coaching, Health and Wellbeing Professionals, and our Proprietary Products, Tools and Integrated Systems.
* Registration opening soon
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